Investment opportunities

The country’s population with a growth rate of 2,7% p.a is expanding and therefore there is a focus on improving the infrastructure and development of housing, office buildings, shopping malls, movie theatres and entertainment facilities and hotels.

Opportunities are specifically at establishing motor vehicle and motorcycle assembly plants and spare parts production facilities for domestic and regional markets, agro-industries and agro-processing to add value to agricultural, livestock, forestry and fisheries products, sugar industry (considering a demand gap currently met through imports), increasing domestic edible oil production (there is a need to reduce dependence on imports),  manufacturing, processing, and preservation of meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, oils and fats, manufacture of dairy products; manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products and prepared animal feeds. 

Agricultural / Agro-processing solutions / innovations / digitalization. Technologies for reduction of postharvest losses and climate smart agriculture. Expansion and improvement of irrigation systems; improvement of R&D in crops cultivation.

Tanzania has extensive rangelands and diverse natural vegetation of 88.6 million hectares of land resources in the country, 60 million hectares are deemed suitable for grazing. It has the second largest number of livestock in Africa. Therefore there are many opportunities of establishing facilities for processing animal feeds, slaughtering facilities, dairy farms facilities or breeder farms. Aquaculture: The area of freshwater cover is estimated at 54,337 sq. km., which is about 6.1 percent of the total country’s surface area. Establishment of commercial fish cage culture in both marine and freshwater areas. With many cultured and fresh water species there is an opportunity for production of formulated fish feeds and live fish food. Furthermore there is value addition in fish and other fisheries products, cold chain, manufacturing of fishing gear and accessories. other areas include prawn/shrimp farming, mud-crab farming, pearl culture, seaweed farming, hatchery for fingerlings production.

Investment opportunities in this sector include gas/diesel turbines (servicing & spare parts), equipment required for electricity transmission, and various related services (such as installation, repairs & maintenance). Other opportunities  are related to the development of new and renewable energy resources, extraction from biofuels and promotion of energy efficiency and conservation initiatives.

Tanzania plans to increase the number of tourists from 1.5mil (2019) to 5 mil (2025). As such, new avenues are being introduced in the sector such as cultural tourism, eco-tourism and sports tourism. Investment opportunities available range from accommodation facilities, air and ground transport services, visitor attractions and infrastructure development.

Since the Tanzanian Government has prioritised to develop the country infrastructure system, by upgrading (air) ports and the country road and railway system, it offers investment opportunities in certain specific areas such as cold storage transportation for agricultural goods. Furthermore the demand for godowns is increasing as well due to the foreign interest in investing in the manufacturing sector in Tanzania.